Official currency of Uruguay is Uruguayan peso (UYU).
Uruguay has an export oriented economy with the largest export coming from agricultural sector. Uruguay is a regional hub for international finance and tourism. Most of its electrical grid has been converted to sustainable energy sources: solar, wind and hydro. Uruguay has a well-educated workforce along with high levels of social spending.
In terms of foreign trade, the largest goods contributing to the country's export are meat products, soya beans, wood, milk and cream, cheese, rice, malt, product packaging.
Imports of Uruguay consist of energy, petroleum, oil, natural gas, electrical machinery and equipment, cars and vehicles, electric conductors, consumer goods, medicaments, insecticides, rodenticides, fingicides, herbicides, disinfectants, mineral or chemical fertilizers.
Primary trading partners of Uruguay are Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, China, Algeria, Angola, the USA, India, Netherlands, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Italy.
The GDP of Uruguay grew by 4.4% in 2021 and amounted to USD 59,32 billion. Tertiary sector makes up 63% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 18% and agriculture at 7.5%.