Official currency of Singapore is Singapore dollar (SGD).
Economy of Singapore is heavily dependent on exports, with a focus on electronics, technology and pharmaceutical products. Although these sectors constitute a primary part of the economy, the recent growth of the financial services sector has been more significant. Singapore has maintained low barriers to trade as part of an outward looking open economy.
GDP of Singapore currently amounts to more than USD 615.7 billion. The growth of the GDP in 2018 was around 3%, inflation - 0,44%. Export and import volume amounted to USD 323 billion.
Singapore is an advanced, successful free-market economy, featuring an open and corruption-free environment. Globally connected, a pro-business environment with a strong and stable infrastructure to boost and sustain growth and success in a myriad of industries.
Along the traditional engines of growth in the manufacturing and financial and business services, the economic landscape has moved to one that promotes knowledge-based and research-intensive industries. At the same time, there has been a significant growth and development in the biomedical sciences, clean technologies and interactive digital media industries.