Official currency of Liechtenstein is Swiss franc (CHF).
Liechtenstein has a highly industrialized market economy export oriented economy that is based on services sector (financial services in particular), industry and to a lesser extent on agriculture. Liechtenstein participates in a customs union with Switzerland. More than 85% of its energy is imported.
In terms of foreign trade the largest exports of the country are small specialty machinery, electrical equipment, vehicle parts, dental products, processed food, and optical products.
Imports of Liechtenstein consist of energy, petroleum, oil, natural gas, electrical machinery and equipment, cars and vehicles, raw materials, consumer goods, medicaments, agricultural and forestry products, fishing products.
Primary trading partners of Liechtenstein are Germany, Austria, Italy, UK, Hungary, China and USA.
The GDP of Liechtenstein grew by 2% in 2021 and amounted to USD 6.2 billion. Tertiary sector makes up 54% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 41% and agriculture at 5%.