Official currency of Greece is euro (EUR).
Greece has an economy that is primarily based on the service sector that amounts to 70% and on the industrial sector that amounts to 16%, with agrictulture representing around 4% of GDP. Among other crucial Greek sectors are tourism and shipping. Important are food and tobacco processing, textiles, chemicals, metal products, mining and petroleum. The GDP of Greece grew by 8% in 2021 and amounted to USD 197.6 billion.
In terms of foreign trade, top imports of Greece include crude oil, refined oil, petroleum products, natural gas, medicametns, cars and vehicles. Greece processes fossil fuel imports into finished products with some being exported while others are used in the country. All imports are primarily coming from Germany, Italy, France, Netherlands and China. Greece exports refined petroleum, packaged medicaments, aluminium plating, fish and other processed vegetables, as well as plastics, iron and steel products. Primary export partners of Greece are Turkey, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Other important trading partners include the UK, the US and Egypt.