Official currency of Ecuador is the United States Dollar (USD).
Ecuador is a developing economy which is significantly dependent on commodities - petroleum, agricultural and aquacultural products. Oil makes up 40% of country's exports. Ecuador is the world's largest exporter of bananas and a major exporter of shrimp. Due to shifts in global markets and development of technology, Ecuador had economic development in textile production, processed food, metallurgy and service sector.
In terms of foreign trade, the largest goods contributing to the country's export are oil, petroleum, gold, copper, bananas, sugarcane, palm oil, maize, rice, potatoes, cocoa, pineapples, oranges, shrimp, tobacco, cigars, flowers, cut flowers, wood, precious metals.
Imports of Ecuador consist of electrical machinery and equipment, cars and vehicles, electric conductors, consumer goods, medicaments.
Primary trading partners of Ecuador are Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Panama, Mexico, the USA, China, South Korea, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Italy.
The GDP of Ecuador grew by 4.2% in 2021 and amounted to USD 106.16 billion. Tertiary sector makes up 53.5% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 31.2% and agriculture at 9.5%.