Official currency of Croatia is Croatian kuna (HRK).
Croatia has a high-income service based market economy. Tourism is one of the largest contributors to the GDP (almost 20%). Croatia is developing floating liquefied natural gas regasification terminal of the island of Krk and its green energy - wind, solar and geothermal energy. Apart from this Croatia is developing its own automotive industry contributing to R&D in this area.
The GDP of Croatia grew by 10.2% in 2021 and amounted to USD 67.7 billion. Tertiary sector makes up almost 59% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 20.5%, agriculture at 3%.
In terms of foreign trade the largest exports of the country are petroleum oils, medical blood, electrical transformers, static converters and inductors, wood, cars, parts and accessories of motor vehicles, insulated wire, cables, maize
Imports of Croatia consist of energy, petroleum oils, natural gas, cars and vehicles, transmission apparatus, electric conductors, consumer goods, cars, unwrought aluminium.
Primary trading partners of Croatia are Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Austria, Serbia, USA, France, Romania, China, Poland, Netherlands and Belgium.