Official currency of Bolivia is Bolivian boliviano (BOB).
Bolivian economy has a single commodity focus and is currently heavily dependent on natural gas exports. Mining is also a major sector being a large part of the country's exports. Bolivia is one of the world's largest producers of silver, tin, antimony, zinc, lead, boron and tungsten. Bolivia has the world's largest litium reserves, 2nd largest antimony reserves, 3rd largest iron ore reserves. Bolivia has the 2nd largest natural gas reserves in South America.
In terms of foreign trade, the largest goods contributing to the country's export are oil, petroleum, gold, silver, zinc, precious metals, soya beans, unwrought tin, jewellery, coconuts, cashew nuts.
Imports of Bolivia consist of electrical machinery and equipment, cars and vehicles, electric conductors, consumer goods, medicaments, wheat, flour, rubber, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, disinfectants.
Primary trading partners of Bolivia are Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, China, India, Japan, the USA, the UAE, Netherlands, Germany.
The GDP of Bolivia grew by 6.1% in 2021 and amounted to USD 40.4 billion. Tertiary sector makes up 50.6% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 35% and agriculture at 14%.