Official currency of Bahrain is Bahraini dinar (BHD).
Bahrain has an open high income economy that is heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry. The country is home to large financial structures and a large financial center in the Middle East. Petroleum is Bahrain's most exported product with aluminium being the second most exported product, followed by finance and construction materials. Over the years Bahrain's economy has expanded into banking, heavy industries, retail and tourism.
The GDP of Bahrain grew by 2.7% in 2021 and amounted to USD 39.3 billion. Tertiary sector makes up almost 39% of the GDP of the country, followed by industry sector at 60%, agriculture at 0.5%.
In terms of foreign trade the largest exports of the country are petroleum, unwrought aliminium and aluminium wire, iron ores, transport vehicles, building structures, ferrous products, gold, mineral and chemical fertilisers.
Imports of Bahrain consist of oil, artificial corundum, electrical machinery, laboratory equipment, medicaments, cars and vehicles, consumer goods.
Primary trading partners of Bahrain are Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Kuwait, Malaysia, India, USA, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, China, Australia, Japan and Brazil.